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Gabriel Nunes
A closer look at Jund Food, which appeared making results in recent weeks and an important lesson ab...
modern jund challenge ragavan
In today's article, we analyze the results of the Modern Super Qualifier, see Sultai Ultimatum back ...
metagame modern standard pauper legacy
In today's article, we dissect the current version of Mono-Black Control, used by the player Tweedel...
decktech pauper mbc mono black
In today's article, we dissect the Vampires, Pioneer deck that has been making occasional results in...
pioneer vampires deck tech
Historic Horizons will not only put Vesperlark in Historic, it will enable an infinite combo that wi...
historic combo horizons arena
In this week's Metagame, we see Tron returning to Modern, Goblins making the Top 8 on Pioneer and Te...
analysis metagame pauper legacy pioneer moder
With huge events taking place between September and December, Pauper will have a great end of the ye...
analysis tournament competitive Pauper
Historic Horizons comes out on August 12th, exclusively for the Magic Arena. Today, we review the ca...
analysis historic arena
Felipe Torres
This article brings a budget decklist for Izzet's iconic Guildmaster, Niv-Mizzet, Parun, which is ex...
commander budget
In today's article, we look at the results of this weekend's tournaments, which marked the eighth we...
analysis metagame legacy pauper modern
Pedro Braga
Adventures in the Forgotten Realms and Modern Horizons II made Izzet Phoenix come back from the ashe...
modern decktech phoenix izzet
Two months after the release of Modern Horizons II, Modern is a new format, with new decks and new a...
analysis modern metagame
Thiago NileDeath
This article talks a bit about Standard 2022 and some of its trending decklists.
standard2022 arena aggro control
João Carvalho
Let's talk a bit about Madness, the new Aggro deck that has been establishing itself in Legacy after...
metagame legacy madness
In this week's Metagame we see Winota's rise in Standard, defined archetypes resorting to splashes i...
analysis metagame standard modern legacy paup
An analysis of exclusive cards, JumpStart, the future of Historic, and Magic Arena's competition wit...
analysis historic Jumpstart Arena
In this week's article, we'll talk about Ragavan, the new Legacy staple that has been taking over t...
legacy mh2 metagame
This article brings a budget decklist for Volo, Guide to Monsters, one of the most interesting, powe...
cEDH afr budget