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Ask the Judge! New interactions with Modern Horizons II

Ask the Judge! New interactions with Modern Horizons II

Antonio Carlos

In this article, the judge Antonio Faillace talks about some interesting interactions with Modern Ho...

mh2 rules judge mtg

Modern Horizons II cEDH set review

Modern Horizons II cEDH set review


This article presents some new cards from Modern Horizons II and how they may impact competitive Com...

edh cedh commander mh2

Modern Horizons II Pauper set review

Modern Horizons II Pauper set review


In today's article, I present you my Modern Horizons II review for Pauper!

mh2 analysis pauper

Historic decklists with Historic Anthology V

Historic decklists with Historic Anthology V

Thiago NileDeath

Today's article features lists of the Historic format with cards from the new collection, Anthology ...

Historic decklists Anthology V arena

Weekly Deck Tech: Modern Gruul Lukka

Weekly Deck Tech: Modern Gruul Lukka


In today's article, we dissect the Gruul Lukka, a Modern Deck which runs the base of a very familiar...

modern lukka gruul

Brace yourselves, the Squirrels are coming!

Brace yourselves, the Squirrels are coming!


After eight years, Storm is back at Pauper. And that doesn't seem like good news.

pauper storm analysis mh2

Pauper Izzet Serpentine Deck tech & Sideboard guide - part 1

Pauper Izzet Serpentine Deck tech & Sideboard guide - part 1

Lucas Kampo

On today's article, I present you a complete guide to Pauper's newest deck: Izzet Serpentine!

Pauper serpentine sideboard guide

Guía del deck Sultai Ultimatum Standard - Actualizado

Guía del deck Sultai Ultimatum Standard - Actualizado

Thiago NileDeath

Este artículo actualiza la guía de Side Sultai Ultimatum, el deck más usado en el formato Standard.

deck tech side guide standard sultai arena

Sultai Ultimatum updated Deck Guide

Sultai Ultimatum updated Deck Guide

Thiago NileDeath

This article brings an updated guide for Sultai Ultimatum, Standard's current most played deck!

deck tech sideguide standard sultai arena

Atacando en Strixhaven : Cómo draftear Silverquill

Atacando en Strixhaven : Cómo draftear Silverquill


¡Es momento de aprender algunas lecciones sobre la escuela más agresiva de Strixhaven!

mtg limited draft strixhaven arena

Pauper Dimir Faeries Decktech and Sideboard Guide

Pauper Dimir Faeries Decktech and Sideboard Guide

Carlos BeicodeGeia

This guide covers game techniques for Dimir Faeries, from posture tips in each match, as well as a s...

pauper faeries challenge

"Be fruitful and multiply": A Legacy Goblins Deck Tech

"Be fruitful and multiply": A Legacy Goblins Deck Tech


"There's always room for one more." - Goblin Matron

decktech Legacy Goblins Competitive

"Crece y mulitiplícate": describiendo el deck Goblins en formato Legacy

"Crece y mulitiplícate": describiendo el deck Goblins en formato Legacy


"There's always room for one more." Goblin Matron.

Decktech Legacy Goblin Competitivo

cEDH's B-Side - Okaun, Eye of Chaos & Zndrsplt, Eye of Wisdom

cEDH's B-Side - Okaun, Eye of Chaos & Zndrsplt, Eye of Wisdom


This article presents the third deck from this competitive Commander series: Okaun and Zndrsplt!

cedh edh commander combo

Modern Deck Tech: Storm Herald Conscription

Modern Deck Tech: Storm Herald Conscription


In today's article, we'll analyze Modern's Storm Herald Conscription, which tries to put its combo p...

Analysis Decktech Modern combo

cEDH's B-Side - Orvar, the All-Form

cEDH's B-Side - Orvar, the All-Form


Let's discuss the second deck of this new series: Orvar, the All-Form!

cedh commander

Una guía para jugar Eldrazi Tron Modern

Una guía para jugar Eldrazi Tron Modern


Mateus Fernandes es el último clasificado para el Campeonato Strixhaven. Ha consquistado eso con un ...

Modern MOL Competitivo Analisis

A Guide to Play with Modern Eldrazi Tron

A Guide to Play with Modern Eldrazi Tron


Mateus Fernandes qualified for the Strixhaven Championship on the Modern Super Qualifier, on which h...

Modern Mol Competitive Analysis Tron

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